Why Choose A Dental Implant Instead Of A Dental Bridge?

When you have one or more missing teeth, it can affect your self-confidence and make you want to hide your smile. Luckily, there are many replacement options for missing teeth, including dental implants and dental bridges. While dental bridges are still incredibly popular, however, dental implants have many advantages, making them a better choice for many patients. Check out these three benefits dental implants possess over dental bridges.

Dental Implants Use the Jawbone for Support

When the dentist places a dental bridge, they must use the teeth on each side of the missing tooth to support the bridge. They are bonded together with a type of dental cement, which creates a strong hold, but overtime, daily use wears down the cement, causing the bridge to fail. This may cause sensitivity, infection, decay, etc. A dental implant, however, uses the jawbone for support like a natural tooth. Not only is the implant inserted into the jawbone like a fake tooth root, the titanium fuses to bone. This is what really makes a strong hold that can withstand daily wear and tear better than a dental bridge.

Dental Bridges Damage Healthy Teeth

Dental bridges also cause damage to healthy teeth. For starters, the anchor teeth must be filed for the dental bridge to fit. In other words, the dentist must remove the enamel, which cannot be regrown. Your tooth will forever need a dental bridge or dental crown to protect it from decay, infection, and sensitivity. In addition, the wear and tear doesn't just strain the dental bridge and the cement holding it to the anchor teeth. The anchor teeth may also become weakened from too much pressure. This can be exacerbated if you develop gum disease. Finally, dental crowns (especially metal) can cause some irritation to gums, which may cause recession, increasing the risk of decay by exposing the tooth's root or creating a "pocket" for bacteria to hide.

Implants Can Be Used to Replace Multiple Teeth

Dental implants can be used to replace more than one missing tooth, but if you try to replace too many, the strain is too great on the anchor teeth and the dental bridge. Even if the dentist uses multiple anchor teeth on each side of the missing teeth, the bridge may wear down too quickly. Dental implants, however, can be used to replace all your teeth because they come in single implants, implant-supported bridges, and implant-supported dentures. All are supported by implants in the jawbone instead of by healthy teeth.

Hiding your smile because of missing teeth is unnecessary with so many tooth replacement options. With the right dentist and treatment plan, you can finally get a smile you want to show the world. For more information about dental implants or other cosmetic procedures, contact a dentist in your area today.
