When It’s Right To Use Sedation Dentistry
If you've heard about sedation dentistry services, you may be wondering when you can use this procedure to help you get through your dental visit. While a dentist will typically work with you to offer sedation if you truly need it, you may want to think about the right situations to request sedation for.
The Procedure Will Be Very Invasive
There are dental procedures that are going to be incredibly invasive, and sedation is highly recommended in order to help you get through them. For example, if you are getting your wisdom teeth removed, your dentist may recommend laughing gas to help calm you down for the procedure and not remember anything about it. The same applies to having a dental implant installed where the surgery could take a long time and you do not want to necessarily be awake and remember it.
Your Fear Will Inhibit The Dentist From Doing Their Job
Another possible situation that could require dental sedation is your reaction to a procedure as it is happening. If a dentist is doing a dental procedure on you, which could be as small as filling a cavity, they need you to be calm throughout the entire procedure in order to do their job. They cannot have a patient that is fidgeting, recoiling due to the sound of a drill, or shaking due to fear. Dental sedation can help get you through the procedure as calmly as possible, which will allow the dentist to do the best job possible with your dental work.
Your Anxiety Will Prevent You From Going To Your Appointment
Some people have difficulties even getting to the dentist for their upcoming appointment. They'll end up canceling at the last minute because they do not want to even step foot into a dentist office. If this sounds like how you would react, then you can use sedation dentistry when you're at home prior to your appointment. The dentist will recommend a prescription medication that will help calm your nerves and make you feel more at ease about going to the appointment. You will need someone to drive you to the dentist if you take this medication, because it will leave you in no condition to drive a vehicle once it takes effect.
Not sure if your situation warrants the need for dental sedation? Reach out to your dentist to find out more information about how they can offer a sedation technique to you.