When Is It “Wise” To Seek Advice On Wisdom Teeth Extraction Surgery?

For many people, wisdom teeth can be the cause of excruciating pain, discomfort, and inconvenience. Some people may never have any problems with their wisdom teeth, and they grow in without any complications. While the reasons for why wisdom teeth give some dental patients trouble is a subject of debate, regular consultation with a dentist is always the best way to get advice on wisdom teeth extraction.

Wisdom teeth are in the molar category, and they are located in the back of the mouth. It is a common belief that in most people who have issues with their wisdom teeth, the size of the mouth is too small to allow for their wisdom teeth to grow in properly. When this happens, the pain and discomfort coincide to create a very unpleasant experience. As with most medical issues, pain is an indicator that there is a problem.

Issues that Make Wisdom Teeth Extraction Surgery Necessary

Two common conditions make wisdom teeth extraction necessary:

  1. Impacted or Misshapen Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth tend to grow crooked, slanted, or horizontally against other teeth in smaller mouths, hence the use of the term "impacted." If the wisdom teeth are not mature but still growing, there may be no indication of pain yet.

However, if the impacted wisdom teeth are somewhat mature and larger, they can cause other teeth to grow crooked and cause pain throughout a larger area of the mouth. Crooked and malformed wisdom teeth can sometimes push against neighboring teeth, shifting their position and causing additional pain.

  1. Apical Pericoronitis

In some patients, wisdom teeth will only grow partially through the gumline. When this happens, the risk of an abscess is extremely high. Bacteria located inside the tooth can cause this area to become infected. If you start feeling unusual pain or increased sensitivity, you likely have apical pericoronitis. When such abscesses occur, wisdom teeth extraction surgery is inevitable.

When to Seek Advice on Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Regular visits and communication with your dentist are the best way to determine whether you need wisdom teeth extraction. While you may not feel any pain just yet, your dentist will be able to recognize future problems by analyzing your X-rays for potential issues.

Regular dental attention will also help the dentist understand your dental health, and they will be able to more correctly predict if and when wisdom tooth extraction surgery is needed. The more regular you keep your appointments, the sooner problems can be addressed, and that usually makes the procedure much easier for you as well as the dentist.

Contact a dentist to learn more about wisdom teeth extraction.
