5 Signs You Might Want To Talk With A Cosmetic Dentist

Many people hear the term cosmetic dentistry and assume it's entirely about aesthetics or even vanity. However, there are plenty of good reasons to discuss cosmetic dental services. If you're dealing with any of these 5 cosmetic problems, talk to a dentist about them.


Even if the teeth seem to be otherwise healthy, discolored teeth could be a sign of something going on. If it's not a bigger problem, discolored teeth can still wear on a person's confidence.

Similarly, don't assume over-the-counter solutions represent the best available options. Some strong whiteners, for example, can desiccate teeth and leave them vulnerable to infections. A trained hygienist can handle the issue while also minimizing the risk to the tooth. If there's a bigger problem, a dentist can discuss options like veneers, crowns, or similar solutions.


Although it is often just a cosmetic dentistry issue, gaps can present problems. This applies whether they're tight or wide. Gaps can act as reservoirs for decaying materials, for example. Also, some folks may not feel very confident if they have noticeable gaps.

Your dentist can help you decide how to approach the situation. They might, for example, recommend braces or aligners. In extreme cases, patients may need to consider surgical options.

Crooked Teeth

A person's teeth should generally point up and down. If they're not vertically aligned, it can lead to cosmetic dentistry concerns. Similarly, crooked teeth can affect a person's bit, how they chew, and even how they speak. Once more, braces and aligners tend to be the preferred solution.


Your teeth will take a beating over your lifetime, and a chip can appear at any time. It is technically a cosmetic dentistry issue if it doesn't promote tooth decay. However, a chip can look bad even if it doesn't pose a risk to the health of the tooth. Also, you will want to have a dentist look at it so they can make sure there isn't a bigger concern of possible decay.


A bite that goes over or under too much can leave someone with prominent cosmetic issues. Even if the bite doesn't affect your speech or chewing, it's usually not a good thing aesthetically or practically. For example, it could cause pressure on the jaw that may adversely affect you later in life. A dentist can examine the extent of the problem and tell you what your options may be for addressing a problem with your bite.

For more information, talk to a cosmetic dental service in your area. 
