Will You Be In Pain After Getting Dental Implants?

It can be agreed that dental implants have many benefits, making them a better option than traditional treatments like dentures. Besides helping replace missing teeth, they can strengthen the bone structure and protect existing teeth.

If you recently got dental implants, you may wonder whether it is normal to expect discomfort and pain after surgery. Learn more about dental implant pain and the healing process in this guide.

Pain Is Normal

Expect pain to peak within 1 or 3 days after the implant surgery. It also peaks once the sedation and numbing agent used in surgery starts to wear off. 

At this point, a dental care professional will prescribe medication to deal with the pain. You need to refill the prescription and follow it as instructed. Home remedies that can help remedy the pain include applying ice close to the aching part at intervals of ten minutes.

Sticking to your dentist's recovery instructions can help your mouth heal properly. It also reduces the risk of implant infection, among other complications. Some of the instructions the dental surgeon may give include:

●      Avoid certain foods (mostly hot and hard foods).

●      Rest on the day of the surgical procedure and subsequent days.

●      Care for the surgical site.

Discomfort and Pain Lasts up to 7 Days

The pain and discomfort will begin fading after 7 to 10 days post-surgery. However, you will still experience noticeable inflammation, swelling, and bruising in the affected area. On the bright side, these symptoms get less severe with time.

Once the 10-day period elapses, your mouth should feel less tender. You will find it easier to brush the affected area without experiencing any pain or discomfort. Also, expect the area to have less bruising and swelling.

What to Do if You Experience Pain After 2 Weeks Post Surgery

Once your dental implants heal, you will not experience any sign of pain, discomfort, or bleeding. But if you experience more discomfort and pain during this window, you need medical intervention. Worsening or lingering pain in the surgical area is usually a sign of a complication.

Follow up with your dentist about the problem to understand its cause. Your dentist may recommend further treatment if necessary. If you fail to seek help, you risk having bacteria build up in the surrounding tissues, which will lead to bone loss, tissue damage, and inflammation.

You may also experience fever, increased swelling, nausea, and continued excessive bleeding on top of pain. Causes of pain and discomfort after surgery include improperly fitted implant, incision line opening, or infection.  

For more information about dental implants, contact a local professional.
