Do you have a pimple-like swelling on your gums? Maybe a section of your gums are swollen, red, and very painful -- or perhaps you have a serious toothache. All of these symptoms are indicative of a dental abscess, which is an infection in your gums, tooth roots, or both. If you think you may have a dental abscess, it's important to seek treatment right away, since an untreated abscess can spread to your jaw bone or other tissues, becoming even more serious.
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For many people, going to the dentist is a wearisome, time-gobbling necessity while for others it's a potentially agonizing nightmare to be avoided at all costs. Even if your dentist is the nicest human being on the planet, scheduling those visits may give you pause—and the longer you pause, the more trouble your teeth and gums can get into in the meantime. But if you must keep those dental appointments (and of course you must), here are three smart tactics you can employ to make the process faster and easier.
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