When You’ve Got Calculus, And It’s Not A Math Course: Home Remedies For Tartar Removal

If it's been a while since your last trip to the dentist, you're not alone. Most people in this country only see the dentist about every three years. However, there's a good chance your teeth have suffered because of this neglect. Inconsistent oral hygiene, accompanied by irregular dental visits, leads to plaque buildup on your teeth and gums. In fact, only 50.5% of Americans floss every day, and 18.5% don't floss at all; overall, a whopping 80% of people have some form of periodontal disease. Read More 

Weighing the Pros & Cons of Root Canals for Elderly Adults

While older adults used to turn to dentures quite early due to tooth loss, advances in dentistry now leave many elderly people with a full or partial set of original teeth. This means that there is still a chance for a root abscess and infection to develop in a 80 or 90 year old patient. If you are trying to help a parent or family member decide between a root canal and extraction, weigh the pros and cons of the procedure based on their age and health condition. Read More 

3 Invisible Braces Alternatives For Adults

Having crooked teeth is embarrassing, but if you're an adult, the thought of getting braces can be even more embarrassing. If you have crooked teeth and don't want to suffer through the embarrassment of traditional metal braces, check out these three invisible options. They'll fix your crooked teeth without anyone noticing. Ceramic Braces Ceramic braces are quite similar to traditional braces. They consist of brackets and wires. However, instead of being made of metal, the brackets are clear or tooth-colored ceramic. Read More 

Keep Your Teeth In Great Shape With These Toothbrush Tips

When it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene, the toothbrush is the most important tool in your arsenal of oral care products. Keeping your smile bright and beautiful requires getting the most out of your toothbrush and the way you brush your teeth. The following offers a few helpful tips you can use to keep your teeth and gums healthy. A Good Toothbrush Isn't Hard to Find Finding the right toothbrush can seem like a complicated endeavor, but it's not as hard as you'd think. Read More 

Developing Good Dental Hygiene In Kids

One of the best ways to ensure that your children avoid dental issues in the future is to start them out with great dental hygiene habits. If your kids grow up knowing how to properly care for their teeth, they can avoid cavities and other problems down the road. Just as importantly, you will help them avoid having a fear of the dentist. Here are some of the best ways to instill strong dental hygiene habits in your children: Read More